Tickets are sold out!!
But have no fear - we still want to see you. RSVP to so we know to look out for ya, there’s pretty bad reception in the building. We are heading down to The Understudy bar at DeKalb Market around 9:30PM after the roller skating, so meet us there!
Celebrate the 80s, 90s, and modern pop music as the Dreamland Roller Rink kicks off a night of Boy Bands vs Girl Pop music throughout the decades. AMF will meet up at the rink for roller skating and general merriment ... I hear themed attire is highly encouraged. I will likely be in a teal 80s jumpsuit with Farrah Fawcett hair.
They encourage advance purchases, as tickets sell out fast, so head over to their website to reserve your spot, as there may not be tickets available at the door. I've got mine, see you there!