links for freelancers & artists during COVID-19 shut downs
Hiring or Not - a constantly updated list on which companies are hiring, firing, or freezing. If hiring, there are links to job posts.
Self Employed & Unemployment Guide - a guide that helps you answer poorly formulated questions for those who are self employed who may now be eligible for Unemployment which is also the first step to getting Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
Unemployment FAQs for NY - see what you qualify for, and answers to a lot of Small Business and Self Employed questions.
Navigating Unemployment for Theatre Workers. Pre- COVID this article was written to help navigate filing for unemployment between gigs that were designed to be temporary. A helpful guide with terminology, unions, and working for the same companies throughout the year but at different intervals.
Artist Relief Funds Spreadsheet - google sheet explaining available grants and application requirements.
Creative Capital - list of artist relief funds
Creator Fund by convertkit , a pool of cash going to creators and makers affected by COVID, apply for funding through this link.
Restaurant Workers Relief Fund Use RWCF’s resources and information on restaurant closures, financial resources, unemployment benefits, immigrant concerns, mental health, relief efforts, and more.
Facebook giving Grants to Small Businesses In a recent announcement, Facebook is giving cash grants and free fb ads to 30,000 businesses affected by the pandemic. Sign up through this link to receive more information over the coming weeks.
Earn Money Online. A website corralling job sites that pay you to work from home, from editing to short term tasks, this is a huge list of opportunities beyond the typical art scope of freelance that can help support you in this uncertain stage.
legal support
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts assisting with legal matters pertaining to artistic and freelance endeavors.
Freelance Isn’t Free Act. Recoup old invoices with this article about using NYC’s freelancer law on your rights as a freelancer.
Freelance Resources during COVID-19
New York State Youth Leadership Council
Beat Covid 19 - easy to search categories
comprehensive resource lists
on the lighter side
Virtual Museum walk throughs via Google of world renowned collections and archives.
Tribeca Film Festival has postponed their fest, but is streaming a curated selection of short films from their archives to brighten your quarantine days. They’re adding Cinema360 VR videos to their website April 17th.
SXSW short films via mailchimp!
SXSW on Prime dates TBD as they gather films from their 2020 season to debut on Amazon Prime for free for 10 days.
NIFF Nordic international film festival has released films from their archives for viewing.
Marie’s Crisis Virtual Piano Bar the infamous broadway-sing-along piano bar has gone online - join in & sing from home. They take requests- and tips!
24 Hour Plays - Viral Monologues watch on IG as Broadway stars & actors perform monologues written by award winning playwrights in the last 24 hours!
The Metropolitan Opera is streaming free nightly operas.
The New York Public Library has ebooks and other materials online
crafts + classes
Field Trips with Creative Mornings connect the creative community with each other in virtual workshops and gatherings.
iFundWomen has free webinars on crowdsourcing & fundraising.
if i made___ has some free classes up, specifically pertaining to the Wedding industry!