A: AMF stands for All My Friends. A name that started as a bit of a joke - but once it stuck, it serves as a constant reminder to all members that we value people over everything else. We go to these meetups, workshops, and jobs together as Friends first, Collaborators second. We treat each other with the same love and respect BFFs deserve, so if you care to join us, you will be welcomed with open arms. 


A: AMF Studios is a hybrid of concepts that can’t quite be pinned down. Aren't we all diverse in our skill sets? Designed in it's origin as a group for creatives to connect in a anti-awkward-networking way, it developed into a series of workshops and events. We have now begun a studio, where we produce projects within AMF, as well as a client-facing side, where we produce creative work for others. Jana’s experience in film, theatre, large events, and studio photography creates the perfect combination of network members who produce films, photography, event experiences, and fabrication for our clients.


We are here to develop your potential too! Dusting off her business school resume training, Jana is here to help set you up for success in your own career. We'll chat how to market your skills, budget your finances, and explore new creative options you've maybe put on the back burner.  There is no one path to success, let's define it our own way, and actually enjoy the process!


A: If you're joining us, you've just met a whole slew of amazing humans. Membership means access to meetups, events, and workshops, as well as an incredible opportunity to meet people across specialties in your field, and other creative realms beyond! Meet a performance artist, chat with a cinematographer, talk color theory with a designer, we encourage all types of people to join. We want everyone to grow and learn in ways that will help them thrive in their own careers, and as well rounded humans. Think of us as your ultimate cheerleaders! You may be asked to present a workshop, or assist at an event, but we 100% understand freelance schedules. Think of it as you-get-out-what-you-put-in, the more energy you bring to the table, the happier you'll be with the results.